3d rendered illustration of the anatomy of a cancer cell

CRO Expertise

Preclinical oncology model systems produce meaningful and predictive results. We offer the following models and services with expedient study start times to ensure we shorten your development timeline.


Xenogen IVIS Spectrum, Biotek Synergy Neo 2, FACSJazz cell sorter, Attune NxT and FACS Celestra flow cytometers, and ABI Prism 7500

Models & Services:

Oncology Team

Michael Strainic, PhD

White Papers

Gene Therapies for Eye Diseases
Gene and Cell Therapies for Cancer

The Development Journey of an AntiCancer Therapy from Target Identification to Ind-Enabling Studies

Overview of Kinase Inhibitors as Cancer Therapies

Imaging Tumors in Preclinical Animal Models

Lipid Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery

The Coming of Age of Antibody Drug Conjugates

Mouse Models of Cancer. Which One is Right for You?

How an Image Changed KRAS Druggability: The Development of Lumakras

Culturing Tumors to Kill Them: Patient Derived Organoids to Screen New Therapies

Using AI in Cancer Diagnostics – Moving from Preclinical to Clinical Practice

Using Lipidomic Profiling to Identify Novel Cancer Biomarkers

Advances in Natural Killer Cell Therapies

Ex Vivo Models to Evaluate Immune-Oncology Therapies

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